We are proud to host our very own payroll bureau.
With our in house expertise relating to all aspects of the payroll process, you can rest assured that all requirements will be met. These may range from Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) to an Attachment of Earnings Order (AoE).
Our service provides essential compliancy regulations in order to ensure that you are paying your workers correctly and meeting legislation guidelines.

Establish Employee Database
Upon the initial setup, we would gather data specific to the payroll process. A profile for each individual employee and/or director(s) is then created and will be the foundation for all future information that is processed. The data stored will include personal and employment details. Each payroll processing period will be documented and therefore a historical record created, which can be referred to at any time.
Processing Company Payroll
Once the database has been created, the data is then processed at the frequency that has been selected (weekly, fortnightly, four weekly, monthly). A template will be issued to present the data. Upon receipt, the calculation of payment will then be carried out. This will take into account key factors such as hours worked, pay rate and absences both authorised and unauthorised.
Once the processing of data is complete, we will issue reports specific to that period which will include (but are not limited to) payment advice slips, analysis of data including gross to net and deductions. A P32 will be issued outlining any monies recovered and ultimately the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) which falls due for that period.
Maintaining Company Payroll
In order to ensure all company payroll is processed correctly, it is crucial that the records are maintained and constantly updated. Throughout the tax year it is inevitable that an employee’s tax code will change, a pregnancy occurs, or someone has a long term illness. We are experienced in dealing with all aspects of change within an employee’s status. Having created an individual profile for each employee any update can easily be made.
We are happy to issue any government related forms, for example an SSP1 form to someone who is no longer entitled to Statutory Sick Pay. We will process all Attachment of Earning orders and make the necessary deductions. We can incorporate student loans and ensure the correct amount is deducted and submitted to the government.
All amendments are documented and a full breakdown of the historical payments and deductions are recorded and reported after each process is complete.
RTI & EPS Submissions
Through our agent government gateway, we are able to complete all the required electronic submissions that your company will be responsible for. We are able to act as agents on your behalf. The initial submission identifying your new company and its employees will be processed after the first set of data has been successfully processed. This is known as an Employer Alignment Submission.
After each processing period is complete we will perform a Full Payment Submission (FPS) direct to the HMRC, this enables the records held for you and your employees to be automatically updated. Should any deductions of tax or a rebate due then we are able to notify the HMRC direct by sending an Employment Payment Summary (EPS), this will enable the HMRC to adjust their records accordingly. A receipt for each submission is kept on file.
Pensions - Auto Enrolment
With UK Government introducing a compulsory employee pension scheme (known as Auto Enrolment) to all employers, a large responsibility lies with the employer. Trade Accountants have the software and expertise needed to set up your Auto Enrolment and make sure you are completing all steps required within the government guidelines.
We will take responsibility in issuing the correct legal documentation to each employee and offering a full overview of all options available. As our client, we will advise you on the key features that allow you to lower your costs.
Year End Procedures
Upon the arrival of April 5th (Tax Year End), Trade Accountants will carry out the necessary procedures to finalise your payroll records for the full year and submit the necessary reports via the government gateway. We will issue each employee with a P60 and complete your P35 before completing the Year End report.
All government legislation for the new tax year, starting April 6th, will be implemented and any changes to tax regulations updated and ready for the start of the new tax year.